Mechnical Engineering
The Department of Mechanical Engineering from the day of its inception, has been taking long strides in the field of science and Engineering. One of the oldest and active departments which anticipated the rapid developments in technology and software and provided the most sophisticated laboratory facilities & excellent infra structure.
1) Impart quality education and training to nurture gobally competitive mechanical engineers.
2) Provide vital state of art research facilities to create, interpret, apply, and disseminate knowledge.
3) Develop links with world class educational and research institutions for excellence in teaching, research and consultancy services.
To provide an academically conducive environment for individuals to develop as technologically superior, socially conscious and nationally responsible citizens.
Presently, the department comprises of 9 faculty members and 4 non teaching staff. The department has also a computer lab, a department library, seminar hall, mini auditorium and also well maintained labs.
The faculty has a team of well qualified and experienced teaching staff. They have also presented large number of national and international research papers.
“To become a global knowledge hub in mechanical engineering education, research, entrepreneurship and industry outreach services.” Develop our department as a center of excellence, imparting quality education, generating competents and skilled manpower. We prepare our students with high degree of credibility, integrity, ethical standards and social concern. we train our students to devise and implemented noval systems, based on education and research.

Ms Taru Mahara

Mr. Sachin gupta

Mr. Bhupender Kumar Bharti

Mr. Shailendra joshi